DATE: March 6, 2010 VENUE: Caloy Narciso’s residence, Fremont, CA
ATTENDEES (_x_) Dino Africa __x_ Matt Hizon _x__ Nani Ramirez_x__ Yollie Aquino _x_ Emma Magbitang _x_ Tom Consunji__x_ Orly Mayor _x__ Art Dancel__ Arnold Mercado _x_ Willie Salgado_x_ Jojo Flores_x__ Irvin Sevilla _x_ Peachie Herman _x__ Caloy Narciso _x__
Meeting called to order at 8:20 pm
Opening prayer led by our host Caloy.
Approval of (January 12th) Minutes: Approved, but to stipulate that it was a “Special Board Meeting”.
Treasurer’s Report: (Yo) Moving forward we would like to confirm the charities that we are supporting for the year. They are:
• Bro. Ravisa (Lipa Night School), dollar for dollar, this is the best value for our money. For as little as $100, we are able to support a student in either High School or College level for a year.
• Bahay Pag-Asa, A project we committed through Bro. Gus of a pledge of $10K payable when able.
• Bro. Rafael Donato
• Benilde for the deaf, the ONLY institution in the Philippines that educate students who are deaf.
• Bagak
In the next 2 years, we would like to focus our fund raising efforts towards supporting the One LaSalle project. Most if not all of the charities mentioned above are in support of One LaSalle. A donation of 20% of our funds to all charities.
Note: Due to our 501C3 status, we have to request all charities we support (unless they hold the same status) a written receipt of acknowledgement of the funds received. Also, in order to be compliant, we have to disclose to all members that a portion of their membership dues is being used to cover the 2 events we hold for the year. They are: • Annual Picnic
• General Assembly
In addition, a suggestion to transfer $5K from our general funds (Money Market?) to our operating account.
Checking and Money Market account balances to be provided in the next board meeting.
Motion by Yo, seconded by Orly, Approved!
Projects for 2010:
“A dinner concert with Joey Albert”: To be held at our annual Christmas Party. Chair is Jojo Flores with support from Yo, Arnold, Dino, Irvin, Tom and Matt.
Verify the following: • Venue Round Hill Golf and Country Club: Emma Newark Hilton: Orly and Betty already made reservations. Venue can hold from 120 to 500 guests. • Possible joint project with the “Assumptionistas”
• Airfare sponsor for Joey Albert
Annual Picnic: St. Mary’s College, Chair is Willie Salgado with support from Irvin, Yo, Peachy, Arnold, Caloy
We would like to commemorate 100 years of LaSalle (Centennial) as a theme in our picnic. Banners and flyers will reflect this motif.
Fil Am golf: Shotgun start at Deer Ridge Country Club, Brentwood, CA on September 18. To be chaired by Matt with support from Arnold, Irvin, Orly and Tom. $100 fee will include buffet (late lunch) for all golfers, $25 for non golfers.
Tambayan Mixer: Monthly social networking to start this month, chaired by Irvin.
Bowling Night: Proposed date is end of October, venue (tba), chaired by Irvin
It’s been a very frustrating year with numerous attempts by the board to create solidarity, peace and goodwill but even in this last call for a special meeting, we did not get the participation from our elected President. Still, we continue to work as one and gave each member a chance to share their proposal and hopefully come up with a peaceful solution to end all the controversy that’s plaguing the presidency, its board of directors and officers.
These were the suggested proposals:
• If a resolution is not reached by the majority and still a snap election of officers is on the table, a call for a General Assembly to mediate and elect the entire board and its officers.
• No election of officers and BOD’s, Secretaries and/or Vice President to moderate all meetings.
• Remove all BOD’s and officers and to simply create a committee on every project, with the chair to supervise all of his meetings. Get the participation of all members and to reach out to the DLSAANC community.
• The “Association” need 100% commitment from all in order to successfully move forward. Suggest for anyone to step down and give others a chance to step up, if for any reason you feel that you’re holding back or have any ill feeling in supporting our association.
After a lengthy deliberation, it was proposed and approved to adopt this new procedure moving forward for the remainder of the term for all board of directors and its officers. The new procedure will take into effect until a new set of elected directors and officers deem to do otherwise. The board of directors respects the bylaws in its entirety, but realizes that its function serves only as a guideline and is silent in specific situations that can lead to opposing interpretations.
Effective immediately, “All responsibilities will be removed from the officers with the exception of the Secretary and Treasurer. Board meetings will be held at any board member’s private residence only with the host to moderate and supervise the meeting. The board meeting agenda will be set and distributed in advance of the meeting by the Secretary. The secretaries (Caloy and Irvin) will continue the duties of taking down the minutes and will serve as a mediator if the situation calls for it. The Treasurer will continue to handle all finances. The President and Vice-President will only resume the authority to moderate and supervise the meetings, if it’s held at their own residence.”
The majority has spoken and agreed that this step is the only recourse the board will take moving forward. No other exceptions or changes will be accepted. Take it or leave it! In order to keep the peace and to stop the onslaught of unwarranted criticisms, unfounded accusations, obfuscation of the issues, Arnold put in a motion to rescind an approved December board motion to hold a yearly election of officers . The board voted, Yea=8, Nay=4, Abstain=1.
In addition, due to the unwanted and/or unwarranted emails circulating in the dls-norcal google groups, the board feels that the current moderator cannot effectively and efficiently control and enforce its rules, code of conduct without the help of a committed and a more knowledgeable candidate. The board nominated and approved Peachie to share the responsibilities in moderating the dls-norcal googlegroup emails and hopes that the move will not only minimize unsolicited emails, but increase over all cheerfulness, discipline and respect within the group. Acting from a motion from Yo, seconded by Nani…Board uNani-mously Approved!
Tom submitted his resignation…board accepted, but left an “open invitation”, if his decision changes moving forward. Personal note from Peachy, “You are the PILLARS of our association, and the younger generation needs a good foundation so that we can accomplish with excellence the mission of our Association.”
Special Meeting adjourned @ 10:42 pm
Irvin Sevilla
Approved by the Board of Directors on April 6th, 2010 via email